How Dense Are You?

Nov 10, 2018

Welcome back to another week. This week, I said I was going to talk about how and why muscle testing works. As I thought about it more, I sensed that it would better if I did a couple posts to describe the process of how and why it works and build up to it. I'm going to break it down into several posts that provide some background on the latest and greatest science and understanding of how the universe is put together. Think of these posts as building blocks that will help you understand the bigger context and result in a deeper understanding.

How much empty space is in an atom?

With that said, let's start into how dense are we? By dense, I mean, how physically dense are we, but I think you guessed that. An atom is reported to be 99.9999999, seven nines, percent empty space. How can you grasp that? We're talking about an atom with one electron and one proton, which is a hydrogen atom. How big is that?

I provided this picture here of a western landscape to give you a sense for distance. If the proton was the size of a basketball, then the orbit of the electron around that proton would be about two miles in radius, or about four miles in diameter. That's a lot of empty space, right?

For bigger visual thinkers, think of the nucleus as the size of maybe your average football stadium. The size of the rotation of the electron field would be about the diameter of the earth. Imagine a football stadium at the center of the earth and the electrons rotating around that center of the earth on the surface of the earth. That's the size of the dimensions that we're talking about. Hopefully that gives you a sense for the empty space in an atom. That's a lot of empty space, right?

What fills up the empty space in an atom?

What fills up all of that empty space? Well, energy is what fills up all that empty space. Here's the really crazy thing. As far as the nucleus and the electrons of the atom go, the latest science is saying that those aren't really physical, either. If they're not physical, what are they, then? They're just probabilities that there could by physicalness there. In other words, the nucleus and the electrons are not physical until we observe them.

Physicalness VS Probability of Physicalness

If you watched the movie Ant-Man 2, you might have a sense for what I'm talking about here, that solidity is really an illusion. In the character of Ghost, you saw this as she shifted from space to space and could actually go through other physical objects. She could pass through other objects because she was more of a probability of physicality as opposed to being solid in the way we think of solidity. This is just Hollywood, right? No, it's not just Hollywood.

Is the illusion of physicality real?

In the 1100s in Tibet, there was a yogi by the name of Milarepa. Milarepa had so mastered physicality that he understood that physicality was an illusion, and that it was mostly energy and the rest is a probability that there's physicality.

One day, to prove his point to one of his students, he said, "Watch, let me show you." He then actually placed his hand into a rock on the wall of the cave where he lived. As he placed his hand on the rock, his hand and the rock briefly became one. The rock "melted" underneath his hand. When he pulled his hand away, a hand print remained, and it remains until this day, 900 years later. You can actually go to Tibet and visit this cave, if you'd like to.

Where does that leave us? What do you think? Is it really possible? Stay tuned for the next building block in this series that I'm doing as we unravel the true nature of reality. Have a great week?

PS - this is the 52nd blog post that I have done which means I have not broken the chain for a whole year. Thanks for hanging in there, and please invite some friends as there are some mind blowing posts in the works for year 2!


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