What do you want from me?!

Jan 15, 2019

I trust your new year is getting off to an incredible start! Last post, I let you know that I was going to be posting irregularly for a while, but I still want to post as much as possible. So, I thought to start this year off, instead of throwing a topic out there, I want to ask you what do you really want to learn more about, to become Powerful Beyond Measure?

What areas of your life are you struggling with that if you had a way to address, you could take your life into a whole new level, in a completely different direction? Or, as Gary Keller says in his book, The One Thing, "What is the one thing that you could focus on so that everything else becomes easier or completely unnecessary?"

What Have We Covered To Date?

To refresh your memory of what I've covered over the last year or so on this blog, here is a list of topics:

Ideas for Future Posts

Some of the things I'm thinking about covering going forward include:

  • Investing and alternative investments
  • Alternative ways of saving, especially if you're an entrepreneur with a small business where you can put a lot more money in retirement than you can with your typical 401K or IRA.
  • Creativity, the creation process, and how you can approach creativity differently to get more out of your creativity sessions.
  • Ultimate life goals. When you ask yourself the repetitive why question of why you do something, and then why that, and then why that, and then why that, for most people it boils down to a few things. 

What do you want from me?!

However, instead of doing a post on something I think is interesting, I'd really like to hear from you on what you want to hear about and what you'd like to learn more about that's in alignment with this blog. So, send me an email or leave a comment below, and let me know what's on your mind. Let me know how we can work together to make 2019 your best year ever! Have a great week!


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